PAWS Atlanta is full right now and unable to take in this dog. However, their story is amazing, sweet, sad and needs attention.
All of the contact details are below:
Blue Dog Singing the Blues--
Over the weekend a cute little stray dog found her way into our neighborhood. It was apparent she had been mistreated, she had been spray-painted blue [by some mean idiot].Unfortunately I can not keep her (I have dogs) and need to find a good home for her. Maybe one of you would like a dog, or know someone else who can help her by giving her a good home.She is a playful, affectionate girl with a sweet disposition. And as you can see by the photo, very pretty, and temporarily blue.Please pass her photo along, we must find her a happy home quickly.
Age between 1 and 2? Has puppy-type energy
Weight maybe 25 -30 lbs, she is thin, but not emaciated
Sex F
Fixed? Do not think so.
Gets along well with dogs? Yes, she wants to play, and was appropriately submissive to our "bossier" dog. Was not shy when my 2 dogs were giving her the standard “smell-test”, her fur did not go up on her back.
Likes cats? Do not know
Likes children? She seemed to really take to the 12 year old boy next door.
Housetrained? Yes.
Vetted? She has only been at our house since Sunday morning. However, she seems very healthy, have not even found a flea on her. Besides the paint, or die, or whatever they sprayed her with, she does not seem to have any injuries from that.
Type of breed? Her tongue is blue, so maybe part chow or shiba inu?? She is not a pure breed.
She was timid of my husband the first time he tried to help her -- responded to me right away. But she warmed up to him after he fed her and helped give her the oatmeal shampoo bath. Did not fight getting the bath. She seems to be used to being in a house. She was not protective or territorial over her dinner bowls or the chew treats we have given her. I was able to pet her while she chewed it.Likes to walk on the leash along the other dogs.
Kitty Hart404-849-6259 cellkitty.hart@comcast.net