Tuesday, September 29, 2009

This makes the animals laugh

Friday, September 18, 2009

Animal Planet's new series, Superfetch

Our friends at Animal Planet have a cool show premiering on October 3 at 8pm.

Zak George is the host of Superfetch and can teach any dog any trick! The season premiere is Saturday October 3rd at 8p.

You can see some of the unique tricks here, be warned as it's somewhat addictive and highly entertaining.

Top 10 Super Cool Dog tricks: http://animal.discovery.com/videos/superfetch-cool-dog-tricks/ Clip of a dog riding a tandem bike: http://animal.discovery.com/videos/superfetch-tandem-bike-ride.html
YouTube clip of a dog fetching a diaper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5eTtOCz9rg

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